Religion was extremely important to ancient Egyptian society, and very closely intertwined with the pharaoh's ruler ship of the nation.
They were subversive against the government.
Although the word subversive might be a bit strong. It's better to say that they were the opposition to the military dictatorship, because being subversive usually has the implication of arming oneself against the government, and neither the workers nor the students nor the native peoples were armed.
These are social groups that fought for democracy during the military dictatorship, and because of that, suffered from great oppression. Many leaders of student organizations, labor unions, and native communities were incarcerated, murdered, or disappeared.
a. mobile phones
One day some engineers decided to change the course of history. Thinking of a way to make communication more efficient and easy, they had the brilliant idea of creating a system that would be capable of communicating between cordless phones. The idea was not bad, but the technology of the time did not help much.
The real history of the mobile phone began in 1973, when the first call was made from a mobile phone to a landline. It was from April 1973 that all theories proved that the cell worked perfectly, and that the cell phone network suggested in 1947 was designed correctly. This was a not very well known moment, but it certainly was a fact marked forever because it was the moment that facilitated communication for most people through the creation of the mobile phone.
a) One historical example of mass violence that was committed by a totalitarian state in the
twentieth century that would support Rummel’s argument would be the Holocaust. The
totalitarian leader was Adolf Hitler. The Holocaust is an example of mass violence as thousands
of people were killed due to totalitarian society
b) One historical example of a democratic state committing mass violence that would
challenge Rummel’s argument regarding democracies and mass violence would be African
resistance to European rule. Democratic European states like Britain disobeyed their principles
when they crushed African resistance to European rule through mass violence.
c)One development in the late twentieth century that likely shaped Rummel’s view of the
relationship between democracy and mass violence would be the spread of communism. Death
under communism occurred as a result of its cruel projects and social engineering. Communism
was relation between democracy and mass violence