Because he is taken.
My interpretation of this philosophical clip is that Justin, the boy’s friend is “taken” by the grips of the video game Fortnite. We are following Justin’s is in a downward spiral into addiction. Eventually, his previously mentioned friend exclaims he is “cracked” at Fortnite. Now, this can be given many meanings, however the one that stuck out most to me is that eventually, Justin hits rock bottom, and cracks. Now, at this point Justin’s friend, who seems to be narrating Justin’s descent into madness makes abhorrent moaning noises. To me, this represents what is happening in Justin’s mind. He can’t escape his crippling Fortnite addiction. He doesn’t even gain happiness from playing anymore, yet he can’t stop. The moaning noises aren’t indicative of sexual pleasure, but cries for help.
Two key events led to its being named the Negro National Anthem: In 1905, Booker T. Washington endorsed it, and in 1919, it became the official song of the NAACP.
El 25 de mayo de 1810 es la fecha patria mas importante de la historia de la República Argentina, pues en dicha fecha se conformó el primer gobierno patrio, iniciando la Revolución de Mayo que comenzó el proceso independentista del entonces Virreinato del Río de la Plata, el cual culminó el 9 de julio de 1816 con la independencia de las Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata, hoy en día Argentina.
En esta fecha, patriotas rioplatenses depusieron al gobierno de la corona española comandado por el Virrey Cisneros, estableciendo una junta de gobierno criolla a cargo de Cornelio Saavedra y dando inicio a la Guerra de Independencia de Argentina.
I want to say the afican Americans
Robert E. Lee was a Confederate general who led the South's attempt at secession during the Civil War. He challenged Union forces during the war's bloodiest battles, including Antietam and Gettysburg, before surrendering to Union General Ulysses S