the answer is 1 day after
C. (Sorry if I’m not right!)
The proverb, "The cure for boredom is curiosity; there is no cure for curiosity." means that you will never be bored if you are curious because curiosity can never be taken away.
Sorry, it's only one sentence!! It's a start, though, and maybe it could help you to write the other 4 sentences.
“A failure is a project that doesn’t work, an initiative that teaches you something at the same time the outcome doesn’t move you directly closer to your goal.
A mistake is either a failure repeated, doing something for the second time when you should have known better, or a misguided attempt (because of carelessness, selfishness or hubris) that hindsight reminds you is worth avoiding.
Seth Godin on 18/12/11
You would see a third person view. you would see much higher too, and of course above.