analyze tone and syntax "With flying fingers, he wove a rough carpet of weeds and branches, and with it, he covered the mouth of
the pit. Then, wet with sweat and aching with tiredness, he crouched behind the stump of a lightning-charred tree. He knew his pursuer was coming; he heard the padding sound of feet on the soft earth, and the night breeze brought him the perfume of the general’s cigarette. It seemed to Rainsford that the general was coming with unusual swiftness; he was not feeling his way along, foot by foot. Rainsford, crouching there, could not see the general, nor could he see the pit. He lived a year in a minute." Pg. 72
The text shown above presents a suspense tone, as it narrates a moment of learning where Rainford could be found and killed by the general at any time. This suspense is evidenced by the syntactic structure that the author decided to present in the text.
This is because the syntax refers to the construction of sentences with the correct use of words that are positioned in a logical way to represent a feeling for the reader.
The syntax of the text above, can convey fear and apprehension, because it uses words that make the reader perceive the general approaching his prey more and more, making the text totally unpredictable and exciting.