The event most directly caused by the Glorious Revolution was the birth of a son to James II. Although England was a Protestant State, Jaime I was catholic and, therefore, so was his son.
This, sided with Jaime II's attempt to rein without the Parliament, led to his deposition, giving the Parliament substantial power and causing the Glorious Revolution.
Alternative B.
When I think of the word liberation I think of freedom. Liberty is a basic right every American should have.
The term color line was originally used as a reference to the racial segregation that existed in the United States after the abolition of slavery . An article by Frederick Douglass which was titled "The Color Line" was published in the North American Review in 1881.
The answer is
Nixon v. Herndon was a US Supreme court
ruling that unanimously rejected the decision to strike down a 1923 Texas that
forbade blacks from voting in the Texas Democratic Party primary. The aftermath
led to Texas promptly enacting a new provision to continue restrictions on
black voter participation.
The US Supreme court ruling in the
court case of Nixon v. Herndon was that there was an obvious infringement of
the 14th amendment to the constitution. This in turn violated Dr.
Lawrence Nixon. Nixon had stated that both 14th and 15th
amendment rights had been violated but only the 14th amendment had
been violated according to the Supreme Court.