Jomo Kenyatta argued that the main goal of the KAU was to establish freedom and democracy in Kenya.
The Kenya African Union was founded in 1944 which was created during the colonial period with the aim of demanding and gaining the independence of Kenya from the British colonial rule; the party later ruled for nearly 40 years after Kenya's independence from British colonial rule .
Jomo Kenyatta, the first president of independent Kenya. In 1947, Jomo Kenyatta became the leader of the KAU; Jomo Kenyatta argued that the main goal of the KAU was to establish freedom and democracy in Kenya and gain political rights through peaceful, nonviolent approaches.
Roosevelt<span> won by a </span>landslide<span> in both the electoral and popular vote, ... France's primary </span>wins<span> were tempered by his defeat to Hoover in his home .</span>
-The most significant features of the U.S. Constitution are the establishment of the rule of law, the creation of a federal system with a supreme national government, the separation of governmental powers into three branches that check and balance each other, its flexibility and the establishment of a republican form of ...
<span>im Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights movement in the 1950s.</span><span>Mar 31, 2017</span>