A topographic map is a sort of map categorized by large-scale detail and measurable illustration of relief, normally using contour lines that has an elevation of highest and lowest. The difference between highest and lowest contour lines is RELIEF, The high relief, and low relief. The example of high relief are mountains; they are mapped with large contour intervals. While plains are the example of low relief that normally mapped with small contour intervals.
The Tigris and the Euphrates
Steve Jobs the guy with evil laugh
try from the 3rd floor and each odd floor till N/2 floor... Go to the top floor of any building. Drop the egg from a miniscule distance from the floor near your feet. You've dropped the egg from the top floor, and you've not broken it.
small even though Alaska is a big state it is covered in snow most of the time, and know one will want to live there for their whole life.