I am a student. Nowadays I attend online classes. I am now 13 years old. I sometimes use brainly to help others. I am not able to visit places in locksown.
The word "post" means after.
One of the exaggerations of Jim Smiley was by Simon Wheeler wherein Wheeler would say that Jim Smiley is the type of person that "bets on anything that turned up". In the story, Smiley betted on cockfights, horse races, cat fights and other animal fights. This hyperbole emphasizes that Smiley loves to bet and gamble in general.
If hes just being rude, honestly just stay in your room or something until he leaves, or maybe even tell your brother about it so maybe he'll say something to the friend. if he keeps bothering you even after all that, just tell him to leave you the FU€K alone. best of luck!!
parents (2) kids(6)dogs(6)cats(2)
my fam : )