Bacteria capsule contain poly-γ-d-glutamic acid and also possesses antiphagocytic properties .
Gram positive cell wall peptidoglycan.
Fimbriae contain adhesin which make them to attach to a base and counter shear force and obtain food.
Pili contain oligomeric proteins which is hair like structure.
Endospores consists of DNA, ribosomes and dipicolinic acid.
RIBOSOMES consist of ribosomal RNA and proteins.
Plasmid consist of circular DNA.
Plasma membranes consist lipid bilayer.
The four postulates of the natural selection include.
1. individuals possessing particular traits are have higher likelihood of surviving and reproducing.
2. different individuals in a population have different traits
3.reproductive and survival rate vary with individuals in a given population.
4. some trait differences are inheritable.
The answer is a C. The offsprings from this generation are from a cross between parents who are heterozygous (one parent) and homozygous recessive. This means that all the offsprings of the filial 1 (one) generation will carry a recessive allele. However, those with an equivalent dominant allele will not exhibit the attached earlobe trait. This is shown by the Punnet square below;
It is 200 million years because it has been around for a long time.
You drew this its not even a question
How do I answer this if theirs no question