To limit the amount of power. Parties are composed of people, usually people who consider their party to be the best. However with too much power in one party causes anarchy and chaos therefore allowing more segues for corruption and abuse of systems. Therefore when the system of power is abused or overused it takes funds that some governments don't have to fix the issues created.
The French army helped America corner the British by making a blockade and preventing any escape by water whilst the Americans attacked and sealed off any escape by land.
Answer and explanation: These are important elements to a democracy because in a democracy, everyone is thought to be equal, should have access to freedom, and should be treated with justice.
Well it means "sacrifice feast" and is a holy islamic holiday
1 Primary purpose of the state is to protect the right of the citizen
2. No government can exist without the consent of the Governed
3. systems check and balances was necessary in Government
Those of three ideas, was the ides of John Locke