Helen Keller's conflict was the want and need to be heard. She explains her frustration with the learning process and her wanting to just be able to express herself as others minus the complication of her illness.
This is a young lady whom was robbed of her sight and hearing at a young age. She was now in this silent, dark prison that she would never be able to escape in her eyes (figuratively speaking). Then along came Anne Sullivan and after years of ups and downs, pain and sorrow, wins and losses; She became a pillar of strength, wisdom, and a humanitarian. All while attending a college associated with Harvard.
This lady became the Epitome of one of the strongest, most influential women in the world.
A dependent clause is a clause that cannot stand on its own and make sense which is why it requires an independent clause to give it meaning.
While a definition of 'power' may be needed, one could argue that poetry has a specific type of power, related to the transmission of experience. Humanity's first approaches to culture communication were done on verse, in the form of poetry (as one can see on the different<em> chansons de geste </em>around Europe, Homeric poems and Greek theatre, and the folklore of orient, for example). Poetic language can transmit human experiences; it can, through the use of verse, of repetition and other poetic devices, cultivate the memory of a particular experience, moment or emotion in a way that prose, due to its to novelty and information, can´t.
Excuse me human, where is the passage
I cannot answer without a passage
- Karen.
Hi !
B- Of the two products lines, which bring<u>s</u> us the most profits ?
a, c, and d have verbs in the 3rd person plural <em>(have, bring, have been bringing us) </em>......
The question is "Of the 2 products, which <em>(one) ..► 3 rd person singular</em>
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