Throughout the story, the moon dies. At the beginning of the story, she is bright and vibrant. However, at the end of the story, the narrator describes her saying, " Her once ivory skin was now crumpled...her arm...was thin and interrupted by bruised veins." Slowly the darkness of the night is taking over. The narrator describes her fading when he says, "she was dimming...Soon, I could only see a shimmer of white." At the end of the story the moon dies and leaves behind a few embers of "silvery, sparkling dust" which give the narrator hope.
The Alchemist concludes with Santiago at the end of his journey across the sea and sands, back to where he started, dreaming under a sycamore tree. That is until the last line of the novel, "I'm coming, Fatima..." (Epilogue.13); This line shows that Santiago's journey is not yet done and that he will continue to travel even after the end of the novel.
As Alice progresses through her dream, she loses her sense of identity. At. the beginning of her journey, she was confused, anxious and timid. Finally, she becomes a strong and confident girl, who is able to stand up for her.