well luckily for you I live in Alaska and it is the Yukon River
New Guinea is administratively divided into two parts: its western half comprises the Indonesian propinsi (or provinsi; provinces) of Papua and West Papua (collectively, formerly called Irian Jaya); and its eastern half comprises the major part of Papua New Guinea, an independent country since 1975.
The service sector jobs that have increased in importance differ in some significant respects from traditional manufacturing jobs. Service industries have a higher incidence of part-time and temporary workers, rely more on unpaid overtime and make greater use of flexible work arrangements. At the same time, the proportion of workers with at least a university degree is, on average, higher in services than in manufacturing, suggesting that work is becoming more knowledge-intensive. An examination of labour shifts alongside a previous analysis that used Census data to determine the knowledge intensity of different industries indicates that structural change is indeed supporting Canada's evolution towards a knowledge-based economy
A decomposition of labour compensation growth over 1976–79 to 2001–05 resulted in findings that were generally similar to those derived from the shift-share analysis of productivity growth.
The electromagnetic radiation per-unit- area increase by 42.65 times.
The radiation per-unit- area (P) is directly proportional to the fourth power of the temperature. Thus,
P ∝ T⁴
For, when the temperature is raised from T₀ to T₁ , the radiation per-unit- area is related to as:
T₀ = 900 K
T₁ = 2300 K
<u>P₁ = 42.65 P₀</u>
<u>The electromagnetic radiation per-unit- area increase by 42.65 times.</u>
<span>The surrender of the Roman
emperor in 476 CE is the specific event that historians refer as the Fall of
Rome. The term is referring to the fall of the western part of the Roman