It has been accepted that Congress may, in proposing an amendment, set a reasonable time limit for its ratification. ... This it held to be a political question that Congress would have to resolve in the event three-fourths of the states ever gave their assent to the proposal.
Limited government is defined as a governing or controlling body whose power exists only within pre-defined limits that are established by a constitution or other source of authority.
The resources in a free enterprise system are allocated by the consumer and by the producer.
In 1992, presidential candidate H. Ross Perot said that signing the NAFTA agreement would produce a "giant sucking sound" in the United States. He meant that NAFTA would make jobs in the United States go to Mexico, where laboral costs were lower, thus producing unemployment and poverty in the United States. In view of the events, 17 years later we can affirm that the fears of H. Ross Perot were never confirmed.