Non-profit? hope i'm right
They typically have three instruments.
Glass crafts are made by heating sand silica until it melts into a liquid state. The melted glass can then either be shaped by blowing the liquid glass or by pouring the melted glass into a mold. The shape and size of the finished piece depend on the tools and method used by the artist.
Here’s what a foreigner thinks of British culture:
Pubs. Pubs everywhere. Not only that, they are rarely drunk off their wits, and they generally just chat with their mates while drinking only one or two Guinness
“Mate”. I heard that word a lot and I think it’s actually pretty nice.
- Being called “love” all the time.
- Tea. Tea everywhere
- Traditionalism
- Class differences (sadly enough)
- Multiculturalism!
This is only to name a few.
Art museums can be large and crowded, which may overwhelm some people if they are not used to it.