Un cuento de literatura realista es simplemente un cuento que se enfoca en aspectos reales, cotidianos y mundanos de la vida diaria, y que tiene un estilo de escritura directo.
Un tema puede ser acerca de un grupo de personas de bajos recursos que viven en un país de hispano América. El cuento hablaría, entonces, de como estás personas deben ganarse la vida día a día con mucho esfuerzo, y de como son víctimas de injusticias sociales, y del bajo desarrollo económico de su lugar de residencia.
Personally, I would say the Seven Years War. It started the divide in the first place. The war itself costed Great Britain a great amount of money, and to make it up, they started taxing the colonists heavily. This first instance of taxation is what led to the divide, and the taxation started because of the war. Therefore, I believe that that is the most significant event.
<span>The 0-19 demographic is the cohort that is the majority of the population in the US over the years. This seems to be counter-intuitive, since it is usually thought that there are typically more adults than kids, but it shows that adults are more dispersed in their ages than youth are in the country.</span>
1. Math
2. Science
3. Literature
4. Philosophy
To phrase this in a sentence, you could say that the Ancient Greeks made important contributions to future civilization by their contributions to math, science, literature and philosophy.