Explanation: The numbers in a hex are the same as decimal numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. The big difference between a hex and a decimal is that a hex also contains letters. These letters are: A, B, C, D, E, F. A hex number can be represented using a subscript of 16.
Answer is given below
differences between a file-processing system and a database management system is given below
file-processing system
- File system is a software that manages and organizes the files in a storage medium within a computer.
- It doesn’t provide backup and recovery of data if it is lost.
- There is less data consistency in file system.
- File systems provide less security in comparison to DBMS.
- It is less complex as compared to DBMS.
database management system
- DBMS is a software for managing the database
- It provides backup and recovery of data even if it is lost.
- DBMS has more security mechanisms as compared to file system
- It has more complexity in handling as compared to file system.
- There is more data consistency because of the process of normalization.
I know what to say this time
If you mean speakers. You should remove them or if you mean the speakers in the PC. Perhaps you put the headphones in the wrong one. Theres usually too one in the front and the other one in the back of the desktop.
Hope this helps.
Regards. Shaggy
Enjoy your music!