I believe it is 4. many U.S. factories produced military equipment for the war; however the factories weren't seized. back then the country was more patriotic and less divisive. we supplied both the United kingdom and Russian allies back then.
In October 1962, American ships blocked Soviet ships carrying missiles from going into Cuba. The Soviets and Cubans agreed to take away the missiles if America promised not to attack Cuba. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Kennedy administration secretly agreed to remove the Jupiter missiles from Turkey in exchange for the withdrawal of all Russian nuclear weapons from Cuba. However, it is not decided if anyone "won". The USSR lost China's support over it.
Protest during the World War II Era. The 1940s marked a major change in Georgia's civil rights struggle. The New Deal and World War II precipitated major economic changes in the state, hastening urbanization, industrialization, and the decline of the power of the planter elite.
The pope anointed Charlemage the first holy Roman king
The United States prospered greatly because of high demand for goods and services. They also benefited from lack of damge from the war. The Marshal Plan and Social Welfare Programs were a benefit for the Western European countries. Japan highly benefited from strong export sales and strong American support.