The major challenge that the framers faced when setting out to write the Constitution was to create a document and a system of government that could be inclusive of all of the perspectives and viewpoints of the delegates and states involved in the convention. For fear of more conflict amongst the states it was necessary to work to create a document that would be a grand compromise of the many competing views.
1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. ... It is the first international treaty with a world-wide vocation focusing exclusively on the protection of cultural heritage in the event of armed conflictThe Second Protocol complemented the 1954 Hague Convention, and aimed ... they had already been approved by Cabinet, and outlined that, in general, ... industries, increasing awareness of UCH and its tourism potential.Second Protocol to the Hague Convention of 1954 for the Protection of Cultural. Property in the ... development and sustainable tourism, and they ... outlined the programme. ... What is BSA's responsibility for Australia and influence across
Answer: 3. Ideological divisions
In the late nineteenth century, people were basically divided among the two strongest contending parties which are the Democratic and Republican parties.
The masses were strongly involved in the political affairs leading to large voters turnout. Some political analysts attribute the passion with which people supported their political affiliations to cultural inclinations.
The Hitler Youth programs were put into place to demonstrate that Hitler cared about the well being of Germany and its people so it started as a way too attracted and entice the youth into joining. While Hitler gained more control, he started spreading more of his hateful ideas which was slowly integrated into the Hitler Youth Programs as a way to slowly brainwash the kids. With time the programs focused mainly on ingraining those hateful ideas into the next generation. The group of children would later become the next set of Nazi soldiers who would gladly fight for Hitler because they grew up learning to hate all in those Hitler Youth Programs.
Americans were searching for natural gold and new resources. Some believed the Indians were keeping these resources for themselves. Many Indians were evicted during this time.