This best illustrates the impact of
"delayed reinforcers" <span>on behavior.</span>
Delayed Reinforcement<span> is a period delay between the coveted reaction
of a life form and the conveyance of prize. In operant conditioning a conditioned
reaction is the coveted reaction that has been conditioned and inspires
fortification. A case might be seen with somebody on a diet. In spite of the
fact that they are watching what they eat and practicing the fortification for
their conduct (getting more fit) happens at a later time from the underlying
work. </span>
A “strong culture” exists when there is both intensity around one or two key norms, and broader consensus about culture content which is both high consensus and high intensity. An organization where members understand what top management values but attach no strong approval or disapproval to these beliefs as a high consensus but low intensity culture or a vacuous culture. Low consensus, high intensity cultures can be characterized as warring factions and low consensus and low intensity cultures as a weak culture. Distinctive between the differences within culture content between strong culture organizations as well as differentiating among culture content and culture consensus decides contradictory viewpoints about the culture-performance affiliation.
Measurement information used to describe something is called <u>"data".</u>
The concept of data is generally connected with logical research, information is gathered by a tremendous scope of associations and establishments, including organizations (e.g., deals information, income, benefits, stock value), governments (e.g., wrongdoing rates, joblessness rates, proficiency rates) and non-administrative associations (e.g., censuses of the quantity of vagrants by non-benefit organizations). Data is estimated, gathered and revealed, and examined, whereupon it very well may be pictured utilizing charts, pictures or different investigation instruments. Information as a general idea alludes to the way that some current data or learning is spoken to or coded in some frame reasonable for better utilization or preparing.
Answer: Ethnocentrism- is the act of judging other cultures.
Cultural relativism- is the concept of understanding that cultural norms and values of people have to be understood with their cultural concepts.