Where is venezuela located? Where do they have sea shore? What form the orinoco and there tributes? What divides the orinoco with venezuela? What is the Sierra of guyana? What covers half of venezuela? Who lives in the big Plains? Where are most of the venezuelan cities? Whats in the lake maracaibo? How did venezuela receive there name
Hope this has helped Please inform me if a answer or purpose of a question is misunderstood or incorrect :)
It’s asking you to write a paragraph as an email to a friend (not actually) explains how you you felt during online experience and if you liked online better than in person.
Perhaps you can say
hola, (friends name)
te quiero contar de mi experiencia durante estudiando en línea en mi casa. no me gusta para nada! Los maestros no saben la tecnología y no pueden ayudarnos mucho. Me siento agotada de estudiar en casa. Me gusta mas ir en persona porque si entiendo mas y los maestros saben lo que hacen. A veces no podría comunicarme con los maestros y eso hacía que yo no le entendiera. En persona es fácil porque está junto a mi lado explicándome. Cuéntame tu (friends name) como fue tu experiencia en este cambio mundial!
Sinceramente (your name)
Is it supposed to be written in Spanish?
Also, I'll do it Googe doc