Unlike the extravagance of the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, the 1948 London Games were a lean affair hosted by a city still recovering from World War II.
1. <u>Direct Object</u> = subject noun that follows a verb and answers question whom or what.
2. <u>Connotation</u> = <u>emotional overtone of a word</u> (the word "mutilation" has a negative connotation, the latter depends on the culture and how the word is used in specific contexts.
3. <u>Indirect Object</u> = <u>indicates to whom or for whom.</u> (Susan made <u>his brother</u> a sand castle)
4. <u>Sentence</u> =<u> expresses a complete thought.</u>
5. <u>Subject noun</u> = <u>who or what does the action or being in a sentence.</u> (<u>Susan </u>made his brother a sand castle)
6. <u>Punctuation</u> = <u>way of indicating the end of a sentence or phrase. </u>(full stop, comma, and others)
7. <u>Denotation </u>= <u>dictionary meaning of a word.</u> Mutilation = The inflection of serious damage to someone.
8. <u>Ambiguity</u> = <u>confusion</u>. Something is ambiguous when it has more than one meaning.
I don’t like it here mom. why did you do this to me? I thought you said it would be fun... they teach me things I don’t need. They can’t explain it well. I need you to break me out of this prison.
sincerely your favorite child, Greta
The subject and predicate make up the two basic structural parts of any complete sentence.
This statement expresses certainty