<em>Bonjour !</em>
<em />
<em />
<em>1. Je "mange" un sandwich. Tu "manges"une pizza.</em>
<em>6. Nicolas "invite" Marie à la boum. Tu "invites"Alain.</em>
<em>2. Tu "parles"anglais. Je "parle" français.</em>
<em>7. Mlle Thomas "travaille" dans (in) un hôpital.</em>
<em>3. Éric "écoute" la radio. Claire "écoute" un CD.</em>
<em>4. Jean-Paul "regarde" la télé. Tu "regardes" un match de tennis.</em>
<em> 8. La chorale (choir) "chante" bien. Est-ce que</em>
<em>5. M. Simon "voyage" en (by) bus. Mme Dupont "voyages"en train.</em>
<em>9. Tu "habites" en France. Aya "habite" en Afrique.</em>
We eat at the local restaurant on Monday evening.
They are in town.
My football team is very good.
I have one brother and two sisters.
Because I like sports on TV.
We play tennis with our friends.
I just typed it into translate, you just wasted your points
Mark is small and fair. Mary is Blank and Blank.
Where are the answers to this question?
Amélie <u>sait</u> très bien chanter!