to raise the prices of shipping goods to europe
Since this is an opinion question you can take it either way.
- lower speed may cause lower speed accidents, which are less deadly than their high speed alternatives
- lower speed could potentially allow people to get lost less often because they are able to navigate and respond earlier
<span>- gas savings from optimal operating conditions (between 88.5 - 96.5 km/h [55-60 mph])</span>
- longer commute times
- less enjoyable (if you enjoy driving fast)
- may contribute to overall congestion and increase in accidents as people spend more time on average on the roads
Either way, support our opinion and you'll be right.
The power (or exponent) of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication.
It is written as a small number to the right and above the base number.
In this example the little "2" says to use 8 two times in a multiplication:
82 = 8 × 8 = 64
But power can also mean the result of using an exponent, so in the previous example "64" is also called the power.
Another example: 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16
• the power is 4: "2 to the power 4 is 16"
• or we can say the power is the result of 16: "the 4th power of 2 is 16"
The past tense version of "sing" is "sang", so it would change to "They sang a beautiful song".
The correct answer is "less hopeful".
<span>This is because all the characters in the poem sing as they are doing their work, thus creating the identity of a happy America where the workers enjoy and sing. </span>
<span>If they weren't singing, they would be presented as people with no hope who are doomed to work day in day out for the elite. </span>
<span>This is not something that Whitman supported as he wanted to present America as a joyous place.</span>