la moral es un conjunto de normas que la sociedad se encarga de trasmitir de generación en generación. moralidad: se define como el cumplimiento integro de una ley moral.
Explanala que tenga un buen dia
TRANSLATION,i have no idea what any of this means but here
<span>When the boats arrive at the channel, _______________1 the trip through the Atlantic Ocean. if they do not pass through the canal, the boats _______________2 that give the whole round5 through south america. Many boats _______________3 this trip many times a year, but there are restrictions to pass. For example, boats will not _______________4 measure more than 110 feet wide7. the price is quite expensive and depends on the size8; ________________5 from $ 1,500 to more than $ 140,000 per boat. <span>Do you ______________6 what is expensive?</span></span>
America del Sur
I'm pretty sure its that.
Camina una cuadra más y la tienda está allí.