Yo tenía siete años cuando se me rompió el brazo
Los europeos generalmente se beneficiaron de sus interacciones con los nativos americanos. Además de poder ayudarse a sí mismos en grandes extensiones de tierra y riqueza que realmente no les pertenecían, fueron capaces de desarrollar técnicas agrícolas que les permitieran hacer que el suelo estadounidense produzca un abundante suministro de cultivos.
Cuando los europeos llegaron por primera vez al Nuevo Mundo, lucharon por cultivar cultivos de lo que les era un suelo desconocido. Pero gracias en gran parte a los métodos agrícolas de las tribus nativas americanas, los recién llegados fueron finalmente capaces de trabajar el suelo en su beneficio.
Europeans generally benefitted from their interactions with Native Americans. As well as being able to help themselves to large swathes of land and wealth that didn't really belong to them, they were able to develop farming techniques that enabled them to make American soil yield a plentiful supply of crops.
When Europeans first arrived in the New World, they struggled to grow crops out of what was to them unfamiliar soil. But thanks largely to the agricultural methods of Native American tribes, the newcomers were eventually able to work the soil to their advantage.
como is like saying to your self miguel is asking raquel so she is answering him back
- The tall man -> El hombre alto
- A blonde girl -> Una niña rubia
- The old computers -> Las computadores viejas/antiguas [in Spain they would say Los ordenadores viejos/antiguos, ordenador = computador/a}
- Some interesting books -> Unos libros interesantes
- The ugly backpack -> La mochila fea
- A big notebook -> Un cuaderno grande or Un gran cuaderno (it's the same thing, but the from of the adjective changes depending if it's before or after the noun)
- A funny friend -> Un amigo gracioso
- The nice teacher -> La maestra amable/simpática (it can be translated into Spanish in different ways, depending on what you want to say specifically).
- The boring homework -> La tarea aburrida
- Some adventurous students -> Unos estudiantes intrépidos (you could say "atrevidos" but that can mean another thing, in Spanish "atrevido" can <em>sometimes</em> mean "insolent", "intrépido" is always positive.)
Native speaker over here. I hope that's helpful.