A. Abab
Deck rhymes with wreck and fled rhymes with dead. So I would say A
Alas! I'm lost in the wilderness.
An interjection is a word that expresses a strong emotion. It expresses emotion of joy, sorrow, excitement, wonder surprise, pain, sadness, happiness, and so on. Interjections are usually specific words such as 'Hurrah, Wow, Oh, Ouch, Huh'.
encroach. to advance or intrude beyond set limits; trespass, intrude, creep. evince. to clearly demonstrate or exhibit; show, reveal, display.
1) are sitting ; having ; watching
2) is reading ; is washing ; is watching ; am doing
3) are swimming ; is reading ; is drinking
4) is driving ; is talking
5) are sleeping ; am watching
6) are going
7) is helping ; are preparing
8) is wearing
9) am trying
10) is brushing
11) is planting
12) are climbing ; are having
13) am doing
singular ( 1 ) - is
plural ( > 1 ) - are
True because you can get it when you sneeze, cough or touch anything that has been touched by other people when they were sick