Intraspecific interactions, where they are the same species, or interspecific interactions, where they are from different species.
In an experiment, the researcher needs to have a control group with an experimental group where both groups are identical in every way except that the controlled group does not gets the experimental treatment.
Sometimes, it is not possible to do a test or the experiment utilizing a controlled trial (due to ethical reasons or no practical method available). All things considered, a researcher may test a theory by making predictions about outcomes or patterns that ought to be found in nature if the hypothesis is right.
A three banded isoenzyme pattern with a 1:2:1 intensity ratio indicates a <u>dimeric</u> protein.
- Isozyme is a multimeric forms of enzyme having similar specificity of the substrate but differences in kinetics and molecular weights of the enzymes.
- The banding patterns of isozyme observed from electrophoresis is related to the genetic conditions in which different combination of polypeptide chains exhibited under the mendelian principles.
- Hence with the intensity of 1:2:1 ratio, three banded phenotypes are formed having two homomeric and one heteromeric form from the dimeric protein in both multiple alleles at single loci and multiple /single allele at multiple loci.
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D) Blue Jays and Finches nest in the same Oak Trees.
This is an example of competition because two species are for the same thing, in this case, oak trees to nest in.