The reason for analyzing an algorithm is to discover its characteristics in order to evaluate its suitability for various applications are compared with other algorithms for the same application
Binary is made up of only 2 digits: a one and a zero. 1011 is eleven in our counting system.
So 10 in binary = 2 in our counting system.
Read the joke as follows. There are 2 types of people in the world: those who understand binary and those who do not.
I guess it's not really that funny, but computer programmers like it.
B. 1 6 3
Given function definition for calc:
void calc (int a, int& b)
int c;
c = a + 2;
a = a * 3;
b = c + a;
Function invocation:
x = 1;
y = 2;
z = 3;
calc(x, y);
cout << x << " " << y << " " << z << endl;
- Since x is passed by value, its value remains 1.
- y is passed by reference to the function calc(x,y);
Tracing the function execution:
b=c+a = 6;
But b actually corresponds to y. So y=6 after function call.
- Since z is not involved in function call, its value remain 3.
So output: 1 6 3
just go ahead and refresh the page
// code in C++
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// main function
int main()
// variables
int sum_even=0,sum_odd=0,eve_count=0,odd_count=0;
int largest=INT_MIN;
int smallest=INT_MAX;
int n;
cout<<"Enter 10 Integers:";
// read 10 Integers
for(int a=0;a<10;a++)
// find largest
// find smallest
// if input is even
// sum of even
// even count
// sum of odd
// odd count
// print sum of even
cout<<"Sum of all even numbers is: "<<sum_even<<endl;
// print sum of odd
cout<<"Sum of all odd numbers is: "<<sum_odd<<endl;
// print largest
cout<<"largest Integer is: "<<largest<<endl;
// print smallest
cout<<"smallest Integer is: "<<smallest<<endl;
// print even count
cout<<"count of even number is: "<<eve_count<<endl;
// print odd cout
cout<<"count of odd number is: "<<odd_count<<endl;
return 0;
Read an integer from user.If the input is greater that largest then update the largest.If the input is smaller than smallest then update the smallest.Then check if input is even then add it to sum_even and increment the eve_count.If the input is odd then add it to sum_odd and increment the odd_count.Repeat this for 10 inputs. Then print sum of all even inputs, sum of all odd inputs, largest among all, smallest among all, count of even inputs and count of odd inputs.
Enter 10 Integers:1 3 4 2 10 11 12 44 5 20
Sum of all even numbers is: 92
Sum of all odd numbers is: 20
largest Integer is: 44
smallest Integer is: 1
count of even number is: 6
count of odd number is: 4