At some convergent boundaries, an oceanic plate collides with a continental plate. Oceanic crust tends to be denser and thinner than continental crust, so the denser oceanic crust gets bent and pulled under, or subducted, beneath the lighter and thicker continental crust. This forms what is called a subduction zone.
I’m guessing a volcano. Hopefully this is right.
The leeward side of the mountain is the side of the mountain that is covered by wind and you may notice that that side is drier than the windward side, which is the side that faces the incoming wind.
Now the leeward side temperature increases from top to bottom because when the air goes up the mountain from the windward side, it loses most of its moisture. So by the time the air goes down the leeward side, it lacks moisture and heats up as it loses even more moisture going down. This is called the rain shadow effect.
sensillamente la contaminacion del medio ambiente se presenta por el humano o desastres naturales, la contaminacion es: cuando el medio ambiente esta siendo afectado por alguna razon como el humo de una fabrica o deforestacion lo cual causa la extincion de muchos animales.
the tigris and Euphrates river flow through Syria and Iraq into the Persian Gulf.