French: honnête = honest
German: dekorieren = decorate
Spanish: acceso = access
cognates are recognizable words in other languages. They look very similar to their counterpart in English. if you look at the words spelling and use context clues it's pretty easy to guess what they mean
Kerry has been a teacher and an administrator for more than twenty years. She has a Master of Education degree. In chapter 13 of 'Tuck Everlasting' by Natalie Babbitt, the stranger steals the horse from the Tucks so that he can quickly ride to the Foster home to tell them where Winnie has been taken.
My choice would be A. It’s not B since “the conflict are” is incorrect. Not C since “they writes” is incorrect. And I believe D is incorrect since “a Nobel Prize winner” doesn’t agree with “are” — you could rewrite it as “The Nobel prize winner IS either Lessing or Gordimer”.
I feel like it would be a mix (edit sorry) of both B and C but I would guess B :)