I agree Advertising can tell you a lot about a country. Advertisements play a key role to attract people toward anything, including nations. This could tell you about the attractive spots, delicious foods and so on to absorb tourists to a country
Im not about to write an entire essay about this but i can give some tips. just write up something about how tourists dont care about the environment because it isnt their home and how they can ruin the natural terrain of the area and can generate unwanted growth. but tourism promotes small businesses.
The correct answer is children. The children are the one’s performing the action.
Hyppolite is from Haiti and she describes her home as full of people who are polite and concerned.
As you may already know, rhymes are the sounds repeated at the end of the vesos of a poem. The rhymes are created to give a rhythm and a musicality in poetry, leaving it with a more musical and harmonious air.
The rhymes have patterns that are organized according to the repetition of the same line between the verses. Verses with the same rhymes receive the same letter, verses with different rhymes receive a different letter. Usually these letters are "A" and "B", the verses that do not have a rhyme present the letter "X".
Based on this, we can say that the rhyme pattern in the passage shown in the passage above has the pattern "XAXA," since the first and third verses do not rhyme, but the second and fourth verse rhyme with each other.