C. stop the white settlement of their land.
The resources that were traded on the Trans-Saharan trade were salt, slaves, and religion. The West African countries were trading their gold for salt. The slaves were sent North and served as slaves or slave concubines. Islam was spread through the use of the Trans-Saharan trade route.
It got divided into 4 separate classes, that being: priests, warriors, scribes and peasants
A democratic country has complex rules and is a complex way of ruling a contry . democracy mostly depends on the welfare of people ,people governs themselves by elected representatives. In other contries the main aim of many are to get the power and to exercise control over the government. In many countries even though they are democratic they do not perform efficiently due to malpractices and other ways to just aquire the power and also people do cheating to acquire power
The practice of vertical integration contributed most to Andrew Carnegie's ability to form a monopoly. Vertical integration is a process of combining different stages of production such as manufacturing, supplying, distributing, retailing, etc, under the umbrella of one company.