In the lesson 1.2, you got ready for your interview. now, you’re going to do the interview. you can turn it in 1 time.
use the 10 questions that you made in this lesson.
do the interview
turn in the interview written
Hola, Omar: Como tú no pudiste¹ venir a mi fiesta de cumpleaños, quiero contarte cómo fue. El día de mi cumpleaños, muy temprano por la mañana, mis hermanos me dieron² una gran sorpresa: ellos dejaron³ un regalo delante de la puerta de mi habitación: ¡una bicicleta roja preciosa! Mi madre nos preparó un desayuno riquísimo. Después de desayunar, mis hermanos y yo tuvimos⁴ que limpiar toda la casa, así que (therefore) no hubo⁵ más celebración hasta la tarde. A las seis y media (nosotros) hicimos⁶ una barbacoa en el patio de la casa. Todos los invitados trajeron⁷ bebidas y regalos. Vinieron⁸ todos mis amigos, excepto tú, ¡qué pena! :-( La fiesta estuvo⁹ muy animada hasta las diez de la noche, cuando mis padres dijeron¹⁰ que los vecinos (neighbors) iban a (were going to) protestar y entonces todos se fueron a sus casas.
Hi, Omar: Since you could not come to my birthday party, I want to tell you how it was. On my birthday, very early in the morning, my brothers gave me a big surprise: they left a gift in front of my room door: a beautiful red bicycle! My mother prepared us a delicious breakfast. After breakfast, my brothers and I had to clean the entire house, therefore there was no more celebration until the afternoon. At six thirty we made a barbecue in the yard of the house. All the guests brought drinks and gifts. They came all my friends, except you, what a pity! . The party was very animated until ten at night, when my parents said that the neighbors were going to complain and then everyone went home.
Sentir lastima.
Veronica feels sorry that he has to have surgery so that is the best answer!
Hope that helps!
Answer and Explanation:
The poem Adam by Hugh cook is a great piece, having a statistical approach. If we see the poem in terms of formalism, we will see the poem as a distinct work free from the environment, social pressure, and any other outer perspective. From the poem's title, we can say that the whole poem is about one prominent character name, Adam. He is the very first person in heaven who has eaten the forbidden fruit. Eden has been compared to this earth, today as we crave for something interesting, as we have many things to do to cope up with our mood swings but at that having no exciting thing to do, Adam has eaten that forbidden fruit because of the instinct he has in himself.
If we analyze the poem from a feminist perspective, we have to see the environmental effect, which urged Adam to eat that fruit.
By seeing the poem in term of Feminism, we can say that Adam has urged to get that forbidden fruit because of the serpent, and at the end of the poem, it has been shown through words that there was one more character behind him when Adam was walking out of the Eden;
Something on two legs
Is running after him.