I would say that how you can tell if your speech is written clear and concise is by making sure your words aren’t misspelled, you use your grammar properly, you don’t go off topic, getting to the point of what you are taking about in a short manner and then going on to explain, make sure your audience can understand the point you are making easily, and chose wise words, get rid “that” and “there is.” Hope this helps..
Since you don't include "the following" benefits of college then one may surmise the benefits:
1) Increased education
2) increase in making personal connections that benefit ones ability to get a job
3) personal growth toward becoming independent ...
For starters.
One thought that is not a benefit is
1) having lots of free time to do what one wants to do.
I can’t write a whole essay, but here’s a few factors. People help eachother because it makes them feel good, some people believe that they are better people than others for helping people, others help because of their religion, like churches going on missions to other countries, some do it because they have been in a similar situation and don’t want to see the other person suffer.
B-He is upset by the sensitive nature of the discussion