Yes it is, common nouns are basically the more specific version of nouns
hope this helps!!
The wrapping material around a consumer item that serves to contain, identify, describe, protect, display, promote and otherwise make the product marketable and keep it clean Packaging is more than just your product's pretty face.
Lead to confusion or misunderstanding
lets try this again! heh
I stood there, certain that the cloudiness of the shower was only partially from the precipitation. My anger was clouding my vision, and I was sure it would cause me to act irrationally in time. How could I let this happen? My only friend, arrested unrightfully. They would pay. All of them. I clenched my hands into fists, gritting my teeth. The water continued to fall onto my head as I refused to move, reminding me of the water that raged all around me on the day he'd been taken. I would avenge him. After all, he'd always said that vengeance was what I was best at.
The events of the radio version of the War of the Worlds take place in the United States, to be more precise in Grover´s Mill, New Jersey.
It was an adaption made by Orson Welles of 1898 H.G. Wells´s novel " The War of the Worlds". Orson adapted the story to placed it in 1939, year in which they were at the time of the broadcast transmission.
In the novel the events took place in England and are told to have happened before. But in the adaptation it was changed the place, the time and the tense in which the story was told. Orson Welles decided to told the story as it was happening in the present.
Hope this answer helps you. Regards.