Hola Hector,
Mi nombre es your name here. He leído tu carta y tenemos muchas cosas en común, por ejemplo cuando yo era pequeño también me gustaba ir a visitar a mis abuelos era una de mis cosas favoritas. Mi pelo era (largo/ corto depends on your hair length when you were little), nosotros no teníamos un perrito teníamos un gatito se llamaba Luna.
Yo también creo que mis cinco años fueron muy divertidos.
Aparte de eso que otras cosas hacías de pequeño?
your name to end the letter.
hope it helps :)
1. False (They're soccer champions, not models.)
2. False. (Normally, in WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS, only teams that represent countries participate, and there's not even more than 10 thousand countries, so I doubt there's actually one million teams that currently exist.)
3. True (Yes, the one that has the most points (goles) wins.
4. True (If both teams end up with the same score, it's a DRAW.)
5. False (Yes, football aficionados do applaud when there's an amazsing play or their favorite team wins.)
6. False (If this was true, then the queen would always be there to be given flowers.)