The kingdom of Songhai, also spelled Songhay, West Africa's great trade state, focused on what is now central Mali on the middle reaches of the Niger River and gradually spreading west to the Atlantic coast and east to Niger and Nigeria.
While the Songhai people are said to have settled in the city of Gao about 800 CE, during the reign of the dia Kossoi, a Songhai convert to Islam, they did not consider it as their capital until the beginning of the 11th century. During the next 300 years, Gao prospered and expanded so much that the rulers of Mali added it to their kingdom from 1325 to 1375.
The Twins, Romulus and Remusthe
According to Legend, Ancient Rome was founded over the 2 brothers.
Barbed wire was set out in the open range preventing the large cattle drives
Simon Bolivar
Simon Bolivar led most of the independence campaigns in South America. Bolivar was living in Spain when Napoleon attacked. He urged troops to invade Venezuela and drive out the Spanish. Bolivar tries to free from the Spanish Empire. Bolivar joins colonies in the north of South America together he won from Spain and called Gran Colombia. Those countries were Venezuela, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Colombia.