Sun dynasty
It is said in the first Kanda or chapter that Dasharatha was a member of the famous Sun dynasty. As you might not know, Kanda means Episode.
I need a fable that is composed of a child (not a writer). Two crown!!
I got it! It's supposed to be, "Hello, I am Melt. I am 17 years old, and my favorite place is Soke and Bol." Or "こんにちは、私は溶けます。私は17歳です。私の好きな場所はSoke and Bolです。" Or "Kon'nichiwa, watashi wa tokemasu. Watashi wa 17-saidesu. Watashi no sukinabasho wa Soke ando Boldesu." Better?
Xssendkdudebrjgjixnefkdjz ZzzZ hchddbudnxjfmxjjfbfndndnsksdlsdejjsjbhsvbsjxxyndhkxuzgzhhxyxiidduydjsbhjchhhhsks
Answer: Match the scrambled letters to identify the synonym and antonym of the following word.
The Translation: Match the scrambled letters to identify the synonym and antonym of the following word.