1.Sr. Rodriguez tiene sesenta años. Sr Rodriguez is seventy years old
2.Ella es inteligente y bonita. She is smart and cute
3.Los estudiantes iran a la escuela. The students will go to the school
4.Yo tendre tres clases hoy. I will have three classes today.
5.Nosotros iremos a comer en el restaurante. we will go eat to the restaurant.
5. nadamos
6. llevaron
7. uso
8. tome ?
9. usaron
• can you try to post the word bank if they gave you one
Regla is singular and feminine, therefore the correct answer is 2: La regla es amarilla.
Hope this helps.
It is asking you how much does each product cost
2) c 1.584
3) c 1079
4) c 459
5) c 389