Rapidly growing cities faced a number of problems including but limited to:
1. Overcrowding: A huge influx of people from small cities, towns and villages resulted in cramped conditions.
2. Rising house prices/rents: It was a boom time for people who owned property. House prices and rents increased quickly.
3. Rising poverty and Ghettos: Most people who came to the cities were unskilled men with families and lots of children. This resulted in ghettos developing around the cities.
4. Rising Crime: All the above factors gave rise to a crime culture made up of young people looking to make some money and a 'name' for themselves.
5. Rise in disease: Poor living conditions resulted in constant outbreaks of chlorea and other water-borne diseases.
Mongol leader Genghis Khan (1162-1227) rose from humble beginnings to establish the largest land empire in history. After uniting the nomadic tribes of the Mongolian plateau, he conquered huge chunks of central Asia and China.
Isaac newton contributes:
three laws of motion:
the law of inertia, law acceleration and law of action-reaction...
law of inertia states that an object at rest will remain at rest, an object in motion will remain in motion except upon acted by an unbalance force.
law of acceleration states that the force is directly proportional with the product of mass and acceleration:
F=ma ; the greater the force the greater the acceleration
the lesser the mass the greater the acceleration
the lesser the mass the lesser the force
the third law of motion or law of interaction states that in every action there is always an exact but opposite reaction...
One of the lasting impacts is the laws and fundamentals that "sprouted" from it.
I hope this helps! :)