Answer: It will not.
The question says that it is raining at midnight. By that logic, the time is currently midnight at the time of the question.
Going by it being midnight, 48 hours from then will be midnight as well only 2 days later. There can be no sunny weather at midnight so no, it will not be sunny weather in 48 hours simply because the sun does not shine at night.
<span>In Nectar in a Sieve, what does rice represent?
Answer: The right answer is the B) A short video clip.
Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that a simile or metaphor, which can be used as part of a speech, are rhetorical figures or figures of speech, but not types of media. In addition, a quotation or a piece of evidence (which could certainly be extracted from a newspaper, or from the Internet, both regarded as media) can also be used to enhance a speech, but they are not types of media in themselves. I would contend, therefore, that only option B is right, since media refers to a means of mass communication, and a video clip, which is often meant to be broadcasted in the TV or the Internet, can be regarded as such.
D.many buildings and homes will be built on hornstrandir
it is the letter used to write word which is a thing we use to say to someone
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