I agree with the other comments but remember how different things are now.
Back in Jefferson’s time, there were thousands of small newspapers, they were usually just a page or two and they were all independent. Today corporations own most newspapers and they force them to toe the company line when it comes to what they can print. TV and radio are worse, most are just propaganda outlets (Fox is among the worst) and are in the entertainment business not in the news business. The PBS stations are independent when it comes to local events but most get national news from PBS or NPR, they are pretty good but they are slanted to the left.
You have to be very careful who you trust, the foreign sources are best because they don’t gain much by pushing one view or another. Even there you have to be sure they aren’t just a mouthpiece for China or Russia.
He made the Maxim machine gun. It was the first recoil operated machine gun to be produced.
The answer to the question is C
La migración interna se refiere a la migración dentro de una región definida, como un estado o una estructura administrativa política. Por lo tanto, la migración interna difiere de la migración externa en que generalmente no se cruzan las fronteras estatales. Suele darse por cuestione de relocalización poblacional dentro de un mismo país, por ejemplo cuando la población de una región se muda a otro sector del territorio en busca de mayores oportunidades laborales o de estudio.
En cambio, la migración externa implica necesariamente la mudanza de un país a otro, es decir, se cruzan las fronteras nacionales para asentarse en nuevos territorios. En estos casos, la migración tiende a tener origen en cuestiones estructurales que impulsan al migrante a salir del país: falta de trabajo, inseguridad, pobreza, etc.
I don't think such event ever happened.
The count force mina to drink his blood because of the sexual attraction that the Count felt toward mina.
He managed to do this because the count threaten that he would kill mina's husband if she do not obeying him.