The scholars dated the mosaic by the coins that were found and the pottery under the debris covered floors.
I like to play video games! People usually find it unexpected, because I’m a girl who doesn’t look like she knows anything about computers, or video games. I would probably like to get into more baking and stuff, mostly cause it’s fun! My friends wouldn’t expect me to do it cause I don’t like to wait for things like that
Red-green color blindness can be broken down into two main types: Protan-type (“pro-tan”), which is a disorder of the first “prot-” type of retinal cones also called the L-cones, and Deutan-type (“do-tan”) which is a disorder of the second type of retinal cone also called the M-cones.
Vas happenin!!!
La should be correct
Hope this helps
-Zayn Malik 1795