Americans believed that they had a right to any land they wanted. First used in 1845, the term Manifest Destiny conveyed the idea that the rightful destiny of the US included imperialistic expansion.
A disease-ridden, bug-infested swamp with bad water: what a place to found a colony! But there were advantages as well to what was chosen as the site of the first permanent English settlement in North America.
To learn more about each reason contributing to the selection of Jamestown in 1607, click on the title next to each of the six images below.
That which the followers of Jefferson's political party supported is: fewer federal officeholders.
The Democratic-Republican Party was the party that was founded by Thomas Jefferson. This party was also known as the American Political party and the Jeffersonian Republic Party.
The followers of this party stood for a Republican America, Political equality, and Westward expansion.
In a society where most believed that the wealthy should rule the nation, members of this party believed in equality of political positions for white officeholders.
Jefferson believed in a limited government and the power of the state should have more rights than the federal government. His supporters believed that there should be fewer federal officeholders.
Learn more about the Democratic-Republican party here:
The Battle of Dunkirk ended with the overnight evacuation of 26,175 French troops. At 10:20 a.m. the Germans occupied the city and captured the 30–40,000 French troops who were left. In the British House of Commons Winston Churchill made the famous speech commonly titled We shall fight on the beaches.