B. The Rejection of religious themes
I will help
The bible is one story continuous in one with over 1000 pages if I'm right and it is not like other stories with TBC it is all together in a continuous pattern
● Situation 1
These laws should no more be applied. They present a clear example of Racism.
● Situation 2
Universities should open their doors to every student no matter what is his skin color, his origins...
A teacher has also the right to teach in a university if he is competent. Thsi sepration shoul no more be applied
● Situation 3
These cops should be punished and no more be police officers.
Legislative branch. frfrfrfrfrffrrfrfrfrfrfrrf- I have to use 20 characters or more
It was the espectacular escape!!!
For months, with spoons as tools, each one drilled its way into the ventilation pipes of the old building, sometimes aided by the vacuum motor turned into a drill.
They built a raft from the remains of a lifeguard that had to withstand the onslaughts of the sea and the probable tarascades of hungry sharks. For the end they left the elaboration of oars that would help them to reach the other shore, probably near the Golden Gate. The instrument to inflate the boat was missing: an old accordion that we don't know where it came from!!!