And there was a subconscious resentment that these, his kind, at first sight had pitched upon him and tried to destroy him. In t
he same way he resented his mother being tied with a stick, even though it was done by the superior man-animals. It savoured of the trap, of bondage. Yet the trap and of bondage he knew nothing. Freedom to roam and run and lie down at will, had been his heritage; and here it was being infringed upon. —White Fang,
Jack London
Read the passage and then choose the conflict that helps the theme unfold.
White Fang resents the dog pack that tries to destroy him.
White Fang’s instinct for freedom conflicts with his captivity.
White Fang dislikes Kiche’s captivity.
It allowed Americans to enjoy sense of normalcy and of entertainment for citizens of every age. Thanks to President Roosevelt's Green Light Letter, which gave baseball a much needed an endorsement, the game continued to be played throughout the war.