The tragic heroine.
The tragic heroine archetype is the female protagonist who possesses a fatal flaw and makes wrongful judgments that led to her downfall, and even that of others around her.
The two excerpts from "The Royal House of Thebes" and "The Story of a Warrior Queen" show the tragic heroine in the characters of Antigone and Boadicea. Here, both women are shown them acting in their best interests but at the same time, also resulted in the death or suffering of their near ones. Boadicea takes her life and also that of her daughters while Antigone's act of going against the king to bury her brother led to the suffering of her sister Ismene too.
Thus, the correct answer is the tragic heroine.
Roy added fictionalized dialogue, but did not otherwise alter the story. The book covers Syvia's life as she grows from four and a half to ten years old in the ...
1. I felt butterflies in my stomach as we turned down the winding road.
2. It was the first time I had ever seen a ferris wheel in person.
3. The lights dazzled me as I anxiously waited in line.
4. Finally, I heard "Next!"
5. I strapped myself in, and before I knew it, I was high in the night sky.
6. The breeze in my face felt incredible, and I wanted to ride again.