The three techniques intrigue bunch utilizes in affecting general society are campaigning government, Educating different open everywhere, activating people in general.
Imperialism during the 1890s is more of direct colonization, meaning direct rule with the help of some representatives or officials. Today, countries no longer are directly colonized but are tied down with other superior countries through economic laws and agreements calling it as neo-colonialism. Neo-colonialism means holding power through indirect rule.
This question does not say who technology impacted, but technology impacts lives because it can be done to do research, and to find new cures and medicines for illnesses.
Van Gogh paints nature scenes
Answer: 1) scientific revolution that preceded industrial revolution and which took place in the European Nortwest (science free of religious dogmatism), 2) progressive rational/empiric philosophy of Enlightenment (economic and consequently also political liberalism), 3) free access to raw materials in colonies (Africa, Americas and Asia).
Explanation: Scientic revolution introduced (not completely but almost completely) a mechanistic and materialistic metaphor of the in the 19th century this perspective became predominant (soon after it was an organicist/Darwinian perspective), Enlightenment questioned divine rights of royal power (medieval and ancient idea) and introduced rights of man and consequently idea of society free of all economic and political limitations and then there were vast lands oveseas that could supply necessary material. What makes part of all that is French revolution, first machines and slavery (which abolished during the 19th century).