I think the answer is “outages”? But I’m not completely sure.
Common Resource
public good
private good
A club good is a type of public good. It is excludable but non-rivalrous. For example paid streaming services are an example of a club good. Those who do not subscribe are excluded from using the service. But all subscribers have equal assess to the service
A public good is a good that is non excludable and non rivalrous. Everyone has assess to the statue and because one person is enjoying the view of the clock does not means another person cannot enjoy the view of the clock
A private good is a good that is excludable and rivalrous. They are usually exchanged in the market by private sector businesses. It is only you who purchased the drum set and those you allow that can use the drum set.
A common resource is a good that is non excludable but rivalrous. The bike in the fitness room is an example. Because the gym is open to anyone, it is non excludable. Only one person can use it at a time, thus it is rivalrous
Games on school property redirect the attention of the students to the games, instead of learning. They cause further disobedience and will often be snuck out to play during class. The students will be distracted and will not learn anything from the time spent in school.
The Diary Survey.
"The other national data sources and its publishing period are highlighted in the next cite:
"The Consumer Expenditure Survey (CE) is a nationwide household survey conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) to find out how Americans spend their money. It is the only federal government survey that provides information on the complete range of consumers’ expenditures as well as their incomes and demographic characteristics. BLS publishes 12-month estimates of consumer expenditures twice a year with the estimates summarized by various income levels and household characteristics. BLS also produces annual public-use microdata files to help researchers analyze the data in more detail.
The CE consists of estimates derived from two separate surveys, the Interview Survey and the Diary Survey. The Quarterly Interview Survey is designed to collect data on large and recurring expenditures that consumers can be expected to recall for a period of 3 months or longer, such as rent and utilities, and the Diary Survey is designed to collect data on small, frequently purchased items, including most food and clothing. Together, the data from the two surveys cover the complete range of consumers’ expenditures. CE data are collected for BLS by the U.S. Census Bureau."
Reference: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. “Consumer Expenditures and Income: Overview.” U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2019
The interest earnings one gives up to hold more liquid assets are an opportunity cost.
What does a business' potential cost entail?
An opportunity cost illustration.
Opportunity cost is, to put it simply, what a business owner loses out on when choosing one course of action over another. It is a method for quantifying the advantages and dangers of any choice, resulting in more effective decision-making in general.
The opportunity cost of keeping money at home is Rs. 2000 per year as opposed to keeping it in the bank. As an easy example of opportunity cost, let's say a person has Rs. 50000 in his hand and has the choice to keep it with him at home or deposit it in the bank, which will yield interest of 4% annually.
Learn more about opportunity cost.